From: Leslie Crozier
Subject: Santa, you are not listening to me
Date: Dec. 14, 2018 at 11:19:45 AM
Dear Santa,
As you recall, last year I told you that I did not want any presents (well, maybe just a few) … and instead I needed you to focus on helping all our Triumph Over Alzheimer’s friends to find a solution for this world epidemic.
I am hoping this year you can step up your game in supporting Dr. Roger Rosenberg and all our favorite friends and researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dr. Rudy Tanzi and his team at Harvard, and Massachusetts General, Dr. Dale Bredesen, author of The End of Alzheimer’s … and all the doctors and researchers who are tirelessly working to find a breakthrough in the Alzheimer arena.
Santa … we believe … and share hope that 2019 will be our breakthrough year!
Wishing everyone a Holiday Season filled with love and laughter … and hope.
Leslie Ann Crozier XOXO
Founder, Triumph Over Alzheimer’s
Partner, Hot On! Homes
P.S. With the help of our caretakers we were able to get my 90 year young mother and her wheelchair to Santa’s workshop, and have her join me on Santa’s lap. Mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s five years ago by Dr. Roger Rosenberg.